Most of you know the struggle of being a bookworm. However, in the extreme case you haven't been through a toughbookish situation, here's a list of problems you wish you never faced.
1. Packing for vacation
How many times have you ended up carying more books than clothes for two-week-long vacation? If you have an e-reader though you probably have never come through this. What if I don't bring enough books? What if I read all twenty of them in a day? Those are the kind of questions that go through most bookworms minds while packing. My advice; more is better. If you don't bring enough you'll probably have to... soc.. social.. socialize! Ew!
How many times have you ended up carying more books than clothes for two-week-long vacation? If you have an e-reader though you probably have never come through this. What if I don't bring enough books? What if I read all twenty of them in a day? Those are the kind of questions that go through most bookworms minds while packing. My advice; more is better. If you don't bring enough you'll probably have to... soc.. social.. socialize! Ew!
2. Different covers in series or trilogies
When you buy the first too books of a series in this beautiful black covers with the main character on the cover but you can find the third one only in purple with flowers edition. Or even worse when when publishers decide to change the covers in the middle of the series. Why, publishers? Why?
When you buy the first too books of a series in this beautiful black covers with the main character on the cover but you can find the third one only in purple with flowers edition. Or even worse when when publishers decide to change the covers in the middle of the series. Why, publishers? Why?
3. Uneven books
When half of your paperbacks are in a A5 size and half in a A4 and you can't organize them the way you want on your bookcase. This leads me to the same question; why, publishers? Why?
When half of your paperbacks are in a A5 size and half in a A4 and you can't organize them the way you want on your bookcase. This leads me to the same question; why, publishers? Why?
4. Fictional deaths
When the author decides to kill your favorite character. And don't try to deny that this hasn't happened to you because it has and we both know it. So many *spoilery* examples I could mention. So many tears have run down my cheeks while reading some of my favorite books. This moment that you close the book, throw it as far as possible and curse the author. And the go retrieve it and reassure the author -even though they're obviously not there -that you still love them and their book.
When the author decides to kill your favorite character. And don't try to deny that this hasn't happened to you because it has and we both know it. So many *spoilery* examples I could mention. So many tears have run down my cheeks while reading some of my favorite books. This moment that you close the book, throw it as far as possible and curse the author. And the go retrieve it and reassure the author -even though they're obviously not there -that you still love them and their book.
5. "You have too many books"
A line said by 90% of parents with bookworm children. When you buy ten books each time you go book shopping and you go book shopping three times a month and your parents don't complain about the amount of books you own then something is probably going wrong. The answer is always "Um, NO!"
A line said by 90% of parents with bookworm children. When you buy ten books each time you go book shopping and you go book shopping three times a month and your parents don't complain about the amount of books you own then something is probably going wrong. The answer is always "Um, NO!"
6. Book hangover
When you read such an intense book that leaves you with so many mixed feelings that you can't even consider starting a new one. So even though you have a giant TBR pile you end up staring at the ceiling here days in a row thinking about the tragic ending you just read.
When you read such an intense book that leaves you with so many mixed feelings that you can't even consider starting a new one. So even though you have a giant TBR pile you end up staring at the ceiling here days in a row thinking about the tragic ending you just read.
7. "Um, I found it boring..."
When your best friend to whom you have recommended your favorite book dares to say this line, things are going pretty bad with your friendship. The book you have truly loved did not impress your friend which means they don't understand how you feel.
When your best friend to whom you have recommended your favorite book dares to say this line, things are going pretty bad with your friendship. The book you have truly loved did not impress your friend which means they don't understand how you feel.
Share your bookworm experiences in the comments!
Until the next post..
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